It’s the final countdown!

Well, the time has come. Last week I saw that the forecast was calling for the smoke to clear and the temperatures to drop (at least for a couple days). I tentatively starting planning for my own Everest attempt, and I’ve been glued to the weather ever since.

And now, it looks like tomorrow is a go for me! I’ve got the day off work, all my things are packed (7 bags, 3 gallons of water, and a cooler waiting for all it’s treats).

I’m getting ready to have some mac & cheese for dinner, along with some cookie dough … Continue reading

The First Everest Attempt

I left off here on Friday, August 7th with Paul thinking about doing an Everest attempt later the following week. On Saturday he went for a low key ride on Sunshine, enough to get things moving but hopefully not overdo it. On Sunday we woke up and I went for a morning ride. It was a bit smokey out (wildfires) so he opted to take a rest day. When I returned I went casually scrolling through my phone, and took my umpteenth peek at the weather that weekend. And then I stopped. I called over to Paul, “Have you looked … Continue reading