The First Everest Attempt

I left off here on Friday, August 7th with Paul thinking about doing an Everest attempt later the following week. On Saturday he went for a low key ride on Sunshine, enough to get things moving but hopefully not overdo it. On Sunday we woke up and I went for a morning ride. It was a bit smokey out (wildfires) so he opted to take a rest day. When I returned I went casually scrolling through my phone, and took my umpteenth peek at the weather that weekend. And then I stopped. I called over to Paul, “Have you looked … Continue reading

100,000ft July

Around the beginning of July Paul mused that before he went for an Everest attempt he wanted to have already knocked out 30,000ft of climbing in one week. Seemed reasonable enough, considering we were aiming to do just shy of that in one ride with the attempt.

This year my biggest week had included just over 25K, the week I did my half Everest at the end of June. At least, that’s what Strava told me when I looked at the week by week breakdown one afternoon. But, a few days later as I cycled up yet another lap on … Continue reading

Mount Evans Success ??‍♀️

Well, a bit belatedly, I’m excited to report that Mount Evans ended up being a wonderful ride! Here’s a quick recap and some photos:

We were up early and out the door before sunrise so we could get a reasonably early start to beat both the people and the afternoon showers. It’s about a 50min drive to Idaho Springs, the jumping off point for our ride. Around 6AM we pulled into a small parking lot and spent several minutes putting on socks, long sleeves, sunscreen, and the like.

Around 6:15AM we headed off. The sun was still low and it … Continue reading

Everesting: The Half

Last Saturday I attempted and completed a half Everest on my bike.

For me, at this moment in time, it was one of those goals that I felt both fairly certain that, barring unexpected hiccups, I could definitely do and equally that it was never going to happen. Here’s how it went down:

I’d heard about Everesting a couple years ago. It’s the simple concept of biking (or running ?) up and down the same hill, in one activity (breaks allowed but no sleeping), until you’ve climbed 29,029ft (the height of Everest). You can do it on any hill, at … Continue reading

It’s gonna be May

So. It’s May. Turns out it’s been a while since I posted. This is mainly because, shortly after that last post, I spilled tea on my computer and it officially kicked the bucket. It was 5 years old, and while it was still limping along I had been planning to get a new one for a while. Still. Long story short, it took about a month to get my new Macbook during which time Paul kindly leant me his personal computer for work. But that meant we shared a computer in the evenings and on weekends, and so I … Continue reading

This entry brought to you by… Procrastination.

Whelp. I could be: making lasagna, organizing my desk supplies (currently dumped out on the floor where they’ve been living since March), finishing my side work project that I need to get done tonight, or cleaning the floor and bathrooms. All things on my list for today. As are a number of other things. But, I don’t feel like doing any of them. So, blog post!

The past month has been a whirlwind that I haven’t written about because… pandemic. So, some word vomit of the highlights:

Paul broke his clavicle. Just six days after the last entry … Continue reading